I am going to write a book and I can’t write a sentence! Have you thought of writing a book? I have, where the hell do I begin?
Well this should be interesting! What should be interesting? The book itself or, the fact that I am writing one? Where do I start? The beginning or the end? Let’s start by answering the first question.
What should be interesting? If it is going to be a good book, at the very least it should be interesting. My first book will be nonfiction. I am an expert in “my field!” The book will be about the expertise and experiences in “my field!”
My field? This is where your interest begins. So what kind of experiences and expertise do I have to offer you in “my field?” What the hell is “my field?”
On Medium we have how many members? The greater percentage of these members have written a short bio about themselves. I don’t know about you, but I find the bios of many to be fascinating and interesting. I want to know more about that person and their experiences and expertise they can offer. Each individual has a unique field of expertise they bring to this platform. Each member is the expert in their field! I want to read about “your field” of expertise. I want to read your book!
Lets examine my bio. We know my name. I am not sure if my name alone will spark your…